I was born in Brisbane a long way from the land of my ancestors on the Narran River in New South Wales, Australia. Twelve and a half years ago at age almost 60 I had to leave the workforce as I was losing my voice and having the occasional fall. Around this time while trying to regain my health I had an urge to paint. I was not to know that this feeling was to take me on a journey where I won art prizes here in Australia and in Italy, Germany and the US.
My artwork has been reproduced in a number of books and government publications including a Danish schoolbook. My paintings are held in collections all over the word and I have exhibited in many countries.
Eight years ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease which affects my walking, these days I can barely walk 25 metres and look a sight with my frame and crash helment. My motto is “just get on with it and make the most of what I have.”
Twelve months ago I moved back to the land of my ancestors where I feel at peace and can paint and have an art gallery at my home for visitors to come and view my work.